\( \newcommand{\xrightleftharpoons}[2]{\overset{#1}{\underset{#2}{\rightleftharpoons}}} \) \( \newcommand{\conc}[1]{\left[\mathrm{#1}\right]} \) \( \newcommand{\chem}[1]{\mathrm{#1}} \) \( \newcommand{\expect}[1]{\left< #1 \right>} \) \( \newcommand{\AA}{\unicode{x212B}} \) \( \require{cancel} \)

Vibrational States

Shaun Williams, PhD

Spatial Degrees of Freedom, Normal Coordinates, and Normal Modes

Spatial Degrees of Freedom

Example 6.1

Identify the number of spatial degrees of freedom for the following molecules: \(\chem{Cl_2}\), \(\chem{CO_2}\), \(\chem{H_2O}\), \(\chem{CH_4}\), \(\chem{C_2H_2}\), \(\chem{C_2H_4}\), \(\chem{C_6H_6}\).

Motion of Nuclei

Normal Coordinates

The Cartesian Displacement Coordinates for \(\chem{HCl}\)

$$ \begin{align} q_1 &= x_H - x_H^e \\ q_2 &= y_H - y_H^e \\ q_3 &= z_H - z_H^e \\ q_4 &= x_{Cl} - x_{Cl}^e \\ q_5 &= y_{Cl} - y_{Cl}^e \\ q_6 &= z_{Cl} - z_{Cl}^e \end{align} $$

Note 1: \(e\) designates the equilibrium position.

Note 2: It is customary to label displacement coordinates with the symbol \(q\)

Cartesian Displacement Coordinates for HCl

The Cartesian displacement coordinates for HCl as described on the previous slide. The internuclear axis is the x-axis.

Normal Modes


Example 6.2

Draw and label six diagrams, each similar to the previous diagram, to show the 3 translational, 2 rotational and 1 vibrational normal coordinates of a diatomic molecule.

Distinguishing Characteristics of Normal Modes

Vibration Amplitudes


Center of Mass

More on Normal Modes

Example 6.3

Identify the number of translational, rotational, and vibrational normal modes for the following molecules: \(\chem{Cl_2}\), \(\chem{CO_2}\), \(\chem{H_2O}\), \(\chem{CH_4}\), \(\chem{C_2H_2}\), \(\chem{C_2H_4}\), \(\chem{C_2H_6}\), \(\chem{C_6H_6}\).

Classical Description of the Vibration of a Diatomic Molecule

Vibration of a Diatomic - Coordinates

The coordinate system, previously described, for two particles

The diagram shows the coordinate system for a reduced particle. \(R_1\) and \(R_2\) are vectors to \(m_1\) and \(m_2\). \(R\) is the resultant and points to the center of mass. (b) Shows the center of mass as the origin of the coordinate system, and (c) expressed as a reduced particle.

The Vectors

Using Newton's Equation of Motion

The Force Constant

Example 6.4

  1. Show that minus the first derivative of the harmonic potential energy function in Equation \eqref{eq:6.2.3} with respect to \(Q\) is the Hooke's Law force.
  2. Show that the second derivative is the force constant, \(k\).
  3. At what value of \(Q\) is the potential energy a minimum; at what value of \(Q\) is the force zero?

Rewriting Some Equations

Example 6.5

Substitute the following functions into Equation \eqref{eq:6.2.4} to show that they are both possible solutions to the classical equation of motion. $$ Q(t) = Q_0 e^{i\omega t} \text{ and } Q(t)=Q_0 e^{-i\omega t} $$ where $$ \omega = \sqrt{\frac{k}{\mu}} $$ Note that the Greek symbol \(\omega\) for frequency represents the angular frequency \(2 \pi \nu\).

Example 6.6

Show that sine and cosine functions also are solutions to Equation \eqref{eq:6.2.4}.

Vibrational Energy

Quantum Mechanical Description of the Harmonic Oscillator

Derivation of the harmonic oscillator system is quite complicated

Plots of the first four harmonic oscillator wavefunctions

The harmonic oscillator wavefunctions describing the four lowest energy states.

Example 6.7

Consider the previous figure in terms of the magnitude of the normal coordinate \(Q\). Couch your discussion in terms of the \(\chem{HCl}\) molecule. How would you describe the location of the atoms in each of the states? How does the oscillator position correspond to the energy of a particular level?

Example 6.8

Plot the probability density for energy level 10 of the harmonic oscillator. How many nodes are present? Plot the probability density for energy level 20. Compare the plot for level 20 with that of level 10 and level 1. Compare these quantum mechanical probability distributions to those expected for a classical oscillator. What conclusion can you draw about the probability of the location of the oscillator and the length of a chemical bond in a vibrating molecule? Extend your analysis to include a very high level, like level 50.


Harmonic Oscillator Properties

Classical Harmonic Oscillator Summary

The Quantum Mechanical Oscillator

Quantum Mechanical Oscillators and Probability


Moving on from simple averages...

Harmonic Oscillator Wavefunctions

The Classically Forbidden Region

Finding the Classical Limit

Analysis of \(\beta\)

Example 6.9

Mark \( x = +1\) and \( x = - 1\) on the graph for \( \left| \psi_0^2 (x) \right|\) derived from the figure below and note whether the wavefunction is zero at these points.

Plots of the first four harmonic oscillator wavefunctions


The Probability of Being Forbidden

Analysis of the Probability

Quantum Mechanical Tunneling

Double-Well Potential

A double-well potential. The potential energy of an atom as a function of its position in space.

A double-well potential. The potential energy of an atom as a function of its position in space.

The Double-Well Wavefunction

Harmonic Oscillator Selection Rules

Transition Moment

Rewriting the Dipole Moment Operator

Analysis of Equation \eqref{eq:6.6.4}

Relating Back to Spectra
