\( \newcommand{\xrightleftharpoons}[2]{\overset{#1}{\underset{#2}{\rightleftharpoons}}} \) \( \newcommand{\conc}[1]{\left[\mathrm{#1}\right]} \) \( \newcommand{\chem}[1]{\mathrm{#1}} \) \( \newcommand{\expect}[1]{\left< #1 \right>} \)

Molecular Orbital Theory

Shaun Williams, PhD

Constructing Molecular Orbitals from Atomic Orbitals

Sigma Bonding and Antibonding Combinations of an s and p Orbital

The addition and subtraction of an s orbital and a p orbital results in a bonding and an antibonding molecular orbital. The antibonding MO has a node between the nuclei.

Orbitals in Molecules

Other Orbitals

Fluorescently Stained Endothelial Cells

Endothelial cells are stained and certain parts of the cells appear blue, green, and red.

Example of LCAO-MO


Nodal Structure of 2p and 3p Orbitals

The 2p orbital has one angular node. The 3p has one angular node and one radial node.


Overlap Integral

Graph of Orbital Overlap

A graph of the AOs centered on their atoms showing that the sum is non-zero between the atoms. When the atoms are farther apart, the sum is approximately zero between the atoms.

Energies of Bonding and Antibonding MOs

Energy as a function of distance for the bonding and the antibonding orbitals of the H2 molecule.

Equilibrium Bond Energy

Molecular orbital energy diagram for the H2 molecule.


The Exchange Integral

MO Wavefuctions

\(H_2\) Example

Bond Order

Heteronuclear Case (eg. \(HCl\)) - Polar Bonds

Molecular orbital energy diagram for the HCl molecule.

Extreme Case - Ionic Bonding \(NaF\): Very Large \(\Delta \alpha\)

Molecular orbital energy diagram illustrating ionic bonding in the NaF molecule.

Summary of MO Theory Thus Far

Orbital Symmetry

A pot is an example of sigma symmetry.

Nodal Symmetry

Nonbonding Orbitals

The MO Diagram of \(HCl\)

Energy level diagram of the HCl molecule showing MOs derived from the valence AOs.

Important Note on Axes

\(\sigma\), \(\pi\), and \(\delta\) Orbitals

The Octachlorodirhenate(III) Anion

The structure of the octachlorodirhenate(III) anion

\(\sigma\) and \(\pi\) Bonding

Cartoon structure of sigma and pi bonds.

\(\delta\) Bonding

Carton structure of a delta bond.

\(d\)-Orbitals and \(\sigma\) Bonds

Cartoon of phosphines interactive with d-orbitals to form sigma bonds.
Cartoon of phosphines interactive with d-orbitals to form pi bonds.

\(p\pi-d\pi\) Bonding

Diatomic Molecules

Liquid molecular oxygen is suspended between the poles of a strong magnet showing that oxygen is paramagnetic.

MO Diagrams

MO diagram for Li2, Be2, B2, C2, and N2.
MO diagram for O2, F2, and Ne2.

Why No sp-orbital Mixing in \(O_2\) and \(F_2\)

Orbital Energy Trends

A diagram of the energies of the atomic orbitals in the first and second row elements.

Orbital Filling

MO diagram for O2.
Cartoons of the MOs for O2.

More Labels for MOs

Periodic Trends in \(\pi\) Bonding

Ethylene vs Silylene

Lewis structure of ethylene and silylene.

Phosphorous vs Nitrogen

Lewis structure of P4 and N2.

Silicone Polymer vs Acetone

Lewis structure of siloxane vs acetone.

Three-Center Bonding

Walsh Correlation Diagram for \(H_3^+\)

A diagram of the MO energetics of the linear and triangular form of H3+.

Walsh Correlation Diagram for \(H_3^+\) Continued

A diagram of the MO energetics of the linear and triangular form of H3+.

Walsh Correlation Diagram for \(H_3^+\) Final

A diagram of the MO energetics of the linear and triangular form of H3+.

MO Diagram for \(XH_2\) (\(X=Be, B, C, \dots\))

A MO diagram of the energetics of the linear XH2 molecule.

Key Points about the MO Diagram for \(XH_2\)

A MO diagram of the energetics of the linear XH2 molecule.

Key Points about the MO Diagram for \(XH_2\) - More

A MO diagram of the energetics of the linear XH2 molecule.

Building Up the MOs of More Complex Molecules: \(NH_3\), \(P_4\)

MO Diagram for \(NH_3\)

A MO diagram of the energetics of ammonia.

MO Diagram for \(NH_3\) - More

A MO diagram of the energetics of ammonia.

MO Diagram for \(NH_3\) - Still More

A MO diagram of the energetics of ammonia.

\(P_4\) Molecule and \(P_4^{2+}\) Ion

A simple picture of the MO structure of P4.

Homology of \(\sigma\) and \(\pi\) Orbitals in MO Diagrams

MO Diagram of Ozone

A simple picture of the MO structure of ozone.


MO Diagram of \(I_3^-\)

A simple picture of the MO structure of triiodine ion.

Chains and Rings of \(\pi\)-Conjugated Systems

A simple picture of the pi-bonding structure of ethylene and hydrogen.

Chains and Rings of 4 H atoms or \(\pi\)-Orbitals (\(H_4\) or Butadiene)

A simple picture of the MO diagram for butadiene.

Chains and Rings of 4 H atoms or \(\pi\)-Orbitals (\(H_4\) or Butadiene) - More

A simple picture of the MO diagram for butadiene.

Benzene \(\pi\)-Orbitals

A simple picture of the MO diagram for benzene.
