\( \newcommand{\xrightleftharpoons}[2]{\overset{#1}{\underset{#2}{\rightleftharpoons}}} \) \( \newcommand{\conc}[1]{\left[\mathrm{#1}\right]} \) \( \newcommand{\chem}[1]{\mathrm{#1}} \) \( \definecolor{green}{RGB}{0,128,0} \) \( \definecolor{blue}{RGB}{0,0,255} \)

Chapter 4

Types of Chemical Reactions and Solution Stoichiometry

Shaun Williams, PhD

Water, the Common Solvent


  • One of the most important substances on Earth.
  • Can dissolve many different substances.
  • A polar molecule because of its unequal charge distribution.
A graphical representation of a water molecule showing the two hydrogen atoms connected to an oxygen atom.

The Nature of Aqueous Solutions: Strong and Weak Electrolytes

Nature of Aqueous Solutions


The Composition of Solutions

Chemical Reactions of Solutions


Exercise 1

A 500.0-g sample of potassium phosphate is dissolved in enough water to make 1.50 L of solution. What is the molarity of the solution?

Exercise 1 - Answer

A 500.0-g sample of potassium phosphate is dissolved in enough water to make 1.50 L of solution. What is the molarity of the solution?

$$ 1.57\,\chem{M} $$

Concentration of Ions



Types of Chemical Reactions

Precipitation Reactions

Precipitation Reaction

\( \chem{Ba\left(NO_3\right)_2(aq)+K_2CrO_4(aq)\rightarrow 2KNO_3(aq) + BaCrO_4(s)} \)

A graphical representation of the reaction between potassium chromate and barium nitrate to form the solid barium chromate solid.


Simple Rules for Solubility

  1. Most nitrate (\(\chem{NO_3^-}\)) salts are soluble.
  2. Most alkali metal (group 1A) salts and \(\chem{NH_4^+}\) are soluble.
  3. Most \(\chem{Cl^-}\), \(\chem{Br^-}\), and \(\chem{I^-}\) salts are soluble (except \(\chem{Ag^+}\), \(\chem{Pb^{2+}}\), \(\chem{Hg_2^{2+}}\)).
  4. Most sulfate salts are soluble (except \(\chem{BaSO_4}\), \(\chem{PbSO_4}\), \(\chem{Hg_2SO_4}\), \(\chem{CaSO_4}\)).
  5. Most \(\chem{OH^-}\) are only slightly soluble (\(\chem{NaOH}\), \(\chem{KOH}\) are soluble, \(\chem{Ba(OH)_2}\), \(\chem{Ca(OH)_2}\) are marginally soluble).
  6. Most \(\chem{S^{2-}}\), \(\chem{CO_3^{2-}}\), \(\chem{CrO_4^{2-}}\), \(\chem{PO_4^{3-}}\) salts are only slightly soluble, except for those containing the cations in Rule 2.

Describing Reactions in Solution

Formula Equation (Molecular Equation)

$$ \chem{AgNO_3(aq)+NaCl(aq)\rightarrow AgCl(s)+NaNO_3(aq)} $$

Complete Ionic Equation

$$ \begin{align} \chem{Ag^+(aq)+NO_3^-(aq)+} & \chem{Na^+(aq)+Cl^-(aq)\rightarrow} \\ & \chem{AgCl(s)+Na^+(aq)+NO_3^-(aq)} \end{align} $$

Stoichiometry of Precipitation Reactions

Solving Stoichiometry Problems for Reactions in Solution

  1. Identify the species present in the combined solution, and determine what reaction occurs.
  2. Write the balanced net ionic equation for the reaction.
  3. Calculate the moles of reactants.
  4. Determine which reactant is limiting.
  5. Calculate the moles of product(s), as required.
  6. Convert to grams or other units, as required.

Concept Check 1

10.0 mL of a 0.30 M sodium phosphate solution reacts with 20.0 mL of a 0.20 M lead(II) nitrate solution (assume no volume change).

Concept Check 1 - Answer

10.0 mL of a 0.30 M sodium phosphate solution reacts with 20.0 mL of a 0.20 M lead(II) nitrate solution (assume no volume change).

Acid-Base Reactions

Acid-Base Reactions (Brønsted-Lowry)

Performing Calculations for Acid-Base Reactions

  1. List the species present in the combined solution before any reaction occurs, and decide what reaction will occur.
  2. Write the balanced net ionic equation for this reaction.
  3. Calculate moles of reactants.
  4. Determine the limiting reactant, where appropriate.
  5. Calculate the moles of the required reactant or product.
  6. Convert to grams or volume (of solution), as required.

Acid-Base Titrations

Concept Check 2

For the titration of sulfuric acid (\(\chem{H_2SO_4}\)) with sodium hydroxide (\(\chem{NaOH}\)), how many moles of sodium hydroxide would be required to react with 1.00 L of 0.500 M sulfuric acid to reach the endpoint? $$ \phantom{ } $$

Concept Check 2 - Answer

For the titration of sulfuric acid (\(\chem{H_2SO_4}\)) with sodium hydroxide (\(\chem{NaOH}\)), how many moles of sodium hydroxide would be required to react with 1.00 L of 0.500 M sulfuric acid to reach the endpoint? $$ 1.00\,\chem{mol}\,\chem{NaOH} $$

Oxidation-Reduction Reactions

Redox Reactions

Reaction of Sodium and Chlorine

A graphical representation of the reaction between sodium metal and chlorine gas to form salt.

Rule for Assigning Oxidation States

  1. Oxidation state of an atom in an element = 0
  2. Oxidation state of monatomic ion = charge of the ion
  3. Oxygen = -2 in covalent compounds (except in peroxides where it = -1)
  4. Hydrogen = +1 in covalent compounds
  5. Fluorine = -1 in compounds
  6. Sum of oxidation states = 0 in compounds
  7. Sum of oxidation states = charge of the ion in ions

Exercise 1

Find the oxidation states for each of the elements in each of the following compounds:

Exercise 1 - Answers

Find the oxidation states for each of the elements in each of the following compounds:

Redox Characteristics

Balancing Oxidation-Reduction Equations

Balancing Oxidation-Reduction Reactions by Oxidation States

  1. Write the unbalanced equation.
  2. Determine the oxidation states of all atoms in the reactants and products.
  3. Show electrons gained and lost using "tie lines."
  4. Use coefficients to equalize the electrons gained and lost.
  5. Balance the rest of the equation by inspection.
  6. Add appropriate states.

Example 1

Balance the reaction between solid zinc and aqueous hydrochloric acid to produce aqueous zinc(II) chloride and hydrogen gas.

  1. What is the unbalanced equation? $$ \chem{Zn(s)+HCl(aq)\rightarrow Zn^{2+}(aq)+Cl^-(aq)+H_2(g)} $$
  2. What are the oxidation states for each atom? $$ \chem{\underbrace{Zn}_0(s)+\underbrace{H}_{+1}\underbrace{Cl}_{-1}(aq)\rightarrow \underbrace{Zn^{2+}}_{+2}(aq)+\underbrace{Cl^-}_{-1}(aq)+\underbrace{H_2}_0(g)} $$
  3. How are electrons gained and lost? $$ \rlap{\overbrace{\phantom{\chem{Zn(s)+HCl(aq)\rightarrow Zn}}}^\text{1 electron gained (each atom)}}\chem{\underbrace{Zn}_0(s)}+\underbrace{\chem{\underbrace{H}_{+1}\underbrace{Cl}_{-1}(aq)}\rightarrow \chem{\underbrace{Zn^{2+}}_{+2}(aq)}+\chem{\underbrace{Cl^-}_{-1}(aq)}+\chem{\underbrace{H_2}_0}}_\text{2 electrons lost} \chem{(g)} $$ The oxidation state of chlorine remains unchanged.

Example 1 - cont.

  1. What coefficients are needed to equalize the electrons gained and lost? $$ \rlap{\overbrace{\phantom{\chem{Zn(s)+HCl(aq)\rightarrow Zn}}}^\text{1 electron gained (each atom) $\times$ 2}}\chem{\underbrace{Zn}_0(s)}+\underbrace{\chem{\underbrace{H}_{+1}\underbrace{Cl}_{-1}(aq)}\rightarrow \chem{\underbrace{Zn^{2+}}_{+2}(aq)}+\chem{\underbrace{Cl^-}_{-1}(aq)}+\chem{\underbrace{H_2}_0}}_\text{2 electrons lost} \chem{(g)} $$ $$ \chem{Zn(s) + 2HCl(aq) \rightarrow Zn^{2+}(aq)+Cl^-(aq)+H_2(g)} $$
  2. What coefficients are needed to balance the remaining elements? $$ \chem{Zn(s) + 2HCl(aq) \rightarrow Zn^{2+}(aq)+2Cl^-(aq)+H_2(g)} $$
