\( \newcommand{\xrightleftharpoons}[2]{\overset{#1}{\underset{#2}{\rightleftharpoons}}} \) \( \newcommand{\conc}[1]{\left[\mathrm{#1}\right]} \) \( \newcommand{\chem}[1]{\mathrm{#1}} \) \( \newcommand{\expect}[1]{\left< #1 \right>} \)

The Second Law

Shaun Williams, PhD

Introduction to the Second Law

The Second Law is Still Studied

In a 2010 interview, Sean M. Carroll from CalTech said

I’m trying to understand how time works. And that’s a huge question that has lots of different aspects to it. A lot of them go back to Einstein and spacetime and how we measure time using clocks. But the particular aspect of time that I’m interested in is the arrow of time: the fact that the past is different from the future. We remember the past but we don’t remember the future. There are irreversible processes. There are things that happen, like you turn an egg into an omelet, but you can’t turn an omelet into an egg.

Heat Engines and the Carnot Cycle

Sadi Carnot (1796-1832)

  • A French physicist, engineer, and officer in Napoleon's army.
  • He was interested in improving the steam engine
  • To simplify his analysis of the inner working of the engine he developed a heat engine which is a useful construct for examining engine efficiency
A photograph of Sadi Carnot.

A Heat Engine

A heat engine takes in heat and converts it to work.

A More Realistic Heat Engine

A heat engine takes in heat and converts it to work with the loss of some heat.

The Carnot Engine

A heat engine takes in heat and converts it to work with the loss of some heat. Input heat is drawn from a hot reservoir while the lost heat is dumped into a cold reservoir.

The Carnot Cycle

Plot of Carnot Cycle

A plot of the Carnot Cycle in terms of pressure versus molar volume.

Anaylsis of the Carnot Cycle

Analysis of the Carnot Cycle

Step Heat Work
1      \(q_h=-nRT_h\ln\left(\frac{V_2}{V_1}\right)\)      \(nRT_h\ln\left(\frac{V_2}{V_1}\right)\)
2 \(0\) \(-C_V\left(T_c-T_h\right)\)
3      \(q_c=-nRT_c\ln\left(\frac{V_4}{V_3}\right)\)      \(nRT_c\ln\left(\frac{V_4}{V_3}\right)\)
4 \(0\) \(C_V\left(T_h-T_c\right)\)

\[ w_{tot} = nRT_h \ln \left(\frac{V_2}{V_1}\right) + nRT_c \ln \left(\frac{V_4}{V_3}\right) \]

\[ \epsilon = \frac{w_{tot}}{\left| q_h\right|} = \frac{nRT_h \ln \left(\frac{V_2}{V_1}\right) + nRT_c \ln \left(\frac{V_4}{V_3}\right)}{nRT_h\ln\left(\frac{V_2}{V_1}\right)} \]


Further Simplification

Example 5.1

What is the maximum efficiency of a freezer set to keep ice cream at a cool \(-10^\circ C\), which it is operating in a room that is \(25^\circ C\)? What is the minimum amount of energy needed to remove \(1.0 J\) from the freezer and dissipate it into the room?


Total Heat Transfered

Analysis of Total Heat Transfered

\[ q_{tot}=nRT_h\ln\left(\frac{V_2}{V_1}\right)-nRT_c\ln\left(\frac{V_2}{V_1}\right) \]

A New State Function - Entropy

\[ \sum_i \frac{q_i}{T_i} = \frac{nRT_h\ln\left(\frac{V_2}{V_1}\right)}{T_h} - \frac{nRT_c\ln\left(\frac{V_2}{V_1}\right)}{T_c}=0 \]

Calculating Entropy Changes

Isothermal Changes

Consider an isothermal expansion of an ideal gas from \(V_1\) to \(V_2\) \[ \begin{eqnarray} dq &=& \frac{nRT}{V}dV \\ \frac{dq}{T} &=& nR\frac{dV}{V} \\ \Delta S = \int \frac{dq}{T} &=& nR\int_{V_1}^{V_2} \frac{dV}{V} = nR\ln \left(\frac{V_2}{V_1}\right) \end{eqnarray} \]

Example 5.2

Calculate the entropy change for \(1.00 mol\) of an ideal gas expanding isothermally from a volume of \(24.4 L\) to \(48.8 L\).

Isobaric Changes

For isobaric changes \[ dq=nC_P\,dT \] so \[ \begin{eqnarray} \frac{dq}{T} &=& nC_P\frac{dT}{T} \\ \Delta S = \int \frac{dq}{T} &=& nC_P \int_{T_1}^{T_2} \frac{dT}{T} = nC_P\ln \left(\frac{T_2}{T_1}\right) \end{eqnarray} \] If instead, \(C_P = a+bT+\frac{c}{T_2}\) then \[ \Delta S = n \left[ a\ln\left(\frac{T_2}{T_1}\right) + b\left(T_2-T_1\right) +\frac{c}{3}\left(\frac{1}{T_2^4}-\frac{1}{T_1^4}\right) \right] \]

Isochoric Changes

For isochoric changes \[ dq=nC_V\,dT \] so \[ \begin{eqnarray} \frac{dq}{T} &=& nC_V\frac{dT}{T} \\ \Delta S = \int \frac{dq}{T} &=& nC_V \int_{T_1}^{T_2} \frac{dT}{T} \\ \Delta S &=& nC_V \ln \left(\frac{T_2}{T_1}\right) \end{eqnarray} \]

Adiabatic Changes

Phase Changes

Example 5.3

The enthalpy of fusion for water is \(6.01 \bfrac{kJ}{mol}\). Calculate the entropy change for \(1.0 mole\) of ice melting to form liquid at \(273 K\).

Comparing the System and the Surroundings

Example 5.4

Consider \(18.02 g\) (\(1.00 mol\)) of ice melting at \(273 K\) in a room that is \(298 K\). Calculate \(\Delta S\) for the ice, the surrounding room, and of the universe. (\(\Delta H_{fus} = 6.01 \bfrac{kJ}{mol}\))

Example 5.5

A \(10.0 g\) piece of metal (\(C = 0.250 \bfrac{J}{g\,^\circ C}\)) initially at \(95^\circ C\) is placed in \(25.0 g\) of water initially at \(15^\circ C\) in an insulated container. Calculate the final temperature of the metal and water once the system has reached thermal equilibrium. Also, calculate the entropy change for the metal, the water, and the entire system.

A New Way to State the 2nd Law

Clausius Inequality

Entropy and Disorder

  • It is common to view entropy as a measure of chaos or randomness
  • Ludwig Boltzmann (1844-1906) understood entropy and used it to derive a statistical approach to calculating entropy
  • Boltzmann proposed an expression which in its modern form is \[ S=k_B \ln W \] where \(W\) is the total number of microstates for the system
A photograph of Ludwig Boltzmann.

Example 5.6

Calculate the entropy of a carbon monoxide crystal, containing \(1.00 mol\) of \(\chem{CO}\), and assuming that the molecules are randomly oriented in one of two equivalent orientations.

The Third Law of Thermodynamics

Example 5.7

\(\chem{SiO_2}\) is found to have a molar heat capacity of \(0.777 \bfrac{J}{mol\,K}\) at \(15 K\) (Yamashita, et al., 2001). Calculate the molar entropy of \(\chem{SiO_2}\) at \(15 K\).

Note: The Debye extrapolation says that at low temperatures, the heat capacity is proportional to \(T^3\), that is \(C\propto T^3 \therefore C = aT^3\) at very low temperatures.
